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GINOP_PLUSZ-1.1.2-21-2022-00064 – “Technology Development at Meleghegyi Kft.”

As part of this project, we are expanding our automated warehouse with four additional towers, which will also be capable of serving two independently operating laser machines. This lift system ensures both the loading and unloading of materials into and from the warehouse, and it can automatically place raw materials onto the laser machine’s table as well as remove the cut parts and place them onto a separate pallet. With this technology, we reduce the risk of human error and significantly decrease loading and unloading times. The conditionally non-refundable support of HUF 218 246 241 is provided under the Széchenyi Terv Plusz program.

The storage and loading operations for the laser machine require constant attention and manual labor. The process is also time-consuming, as a single sheet may contain hundreds of small parts that need to be removed by the operator. Considering this, continuous manual work is not feasible. The newly acquired system works by allowing warehouse staff to load sheet metal bales into a shelving system called a tower via a loading cart. A robotic lift moves between these shelves with millimeter precision, reaching every level. This design enables a 120% increase in storage capacity per square meter. The warehouse system is equipped with a computer terminal and operates based on the FIFO principle. From this point, the machining process occurs without human contact, eliminating material damage and human errors. Thanks to unique format codes, material usage can be precisely tracked and logged for easy retrieval at any time. Another key benefit is that these machines run entirely on electricity, reducing the need for a gas-powered forklift to move heavy sheet metal. This results in improved air quality in the facility and lower emissions.

In addition, we have expanded our solar power plant by 50 kW and received organizational development consulting within the project framework, provided by EU-Tender Kft.

Actual physical completion of the project: 28.12.2023
Project identification number: GINOP_PLUSZ-1.1.2-21-2022-00064
Funding intensity: 50%

GINOP-2.1.1-15-2016-00866 Project
Research and Development of an Intelligent Optical Sheet Metal Part Recognition and Laser Marking Device

A new, domestically developed system is capable of automating quality control tasks for sheet metal businesses, both in small-scale and large-scale production environments. Developed jointly by Meleghegyi és Társa Kft. and Optimal Optik Kft., this new system not only inspects the weight, material thickness, external dimensions, and contours of finished sheet metal products but also engraves the appropriate serial number or code onto the sheet. The total development cost of HUF 285.7 million is supported by an HUF 180 million grant from the European Union under the Széchenyi 2020 program.

Meleghegyi és Társa Kft. is developing a fundamentally new tool for sheet metal manufacturing. In collaboration with Optimal Optik Kft., the company is automating the quality control process for sheet metal production. The project, supported under the title “Research and Development of an Intelligent Optical Sheet Metal Part Recognition and Laser Marking Device,” and the resulting new equipment will revolutionize what has traditionally been a manual process. Previously, human measurements introduced significant potential for errors, but now the entire process can be fully automated. This is especially important when multiple customers’ parts are being manufactured simultaneously, a common situation in the industry. Human inspectors can easily become overwhelmed, leading to stress and mistakes, whereas the machine can process parts in any order without confusion, explains company owner László Meleghegyi.

The finished parts are placed on an illuminated glass plate, which is transported into the device via a special conveyor belt. For smaller-scale operations, manual feeding is also possible, as the system’s core function is not the loading mechanism. Inside the machine, a multi-camera measurement system recognizes contour lines, while a laser dot-matrix generator and a built-in scale measure material thickness and weight to identify the part. At the same station, a modified laser engraver marks the part with a code or serial number.

A dedicated software processes the measured data, determining which part is being “seen” and whether its parameters match the data from the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. By comparing the obtained and stored information, the system verifies the quality and quantity of the parts and feeds the results back into the control system.

In the project, Optimal Optik Kft. is responsible for the optical components, while Meleghegyi és Társa Kft. handles the mechanical engineering tasks. The first completed devices will be operational at their facility.

Project completion date: 31.03.2018.

GINOP-1.2.1-15-2015-00742 Project

Project start date: 01.01.2016

The goal of the project is to further develop sheet metal processing activities. During the investment, one Salvagnini B3-100-3000 electromechanical edge bender and one Salvagnini P2 Lean panel bender machine will be acquired. This investment is necessary because the use of the new machines will increase the company’s production capacity, enabling the completion of more complex tasks and the production of higher quality products with cutting-edge technology.

Our company supplies numerous bent sheet metal parts with special bends to various companies. Since our current bending machines cannot produce these parts, we had to involve additional subcontractors in the manufacturing process. This significantly increased production time and cost. With the Salvagnini P2 Lean panel bender, we will be able to perform these operations and significantly expand our capacity for manufacturing bent parts. With the setup of this equipment, we will no longer just produce semi-finished products in this area but can supply fully finished products to our customers.

The Salvagnini B3-100-3000 is a very modern edge bender, which is approximately 15% faster and uses 50% less energy compared to traditional hydraulic counterparts. By transferring the small parts we manufacture in large quantities to this machine, significant time and cost savings can be achieved.

pályázat tábla

VEKOP-1.2.6-20-2020-00220 Project

Beneficiary name: Meleghegyi és társa Gépgyártó, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Project Title: Development under the VEKOP-1.2.6-20 project at Meleghegyi és társa Kft.
Contracted support amount: 43 499 822 HUF
Support rate: 59.258169%

Project content description: The applicant aims to establish an indoor positioning system at its Dabas site, enabling real-time tracking of employees and products within the building, as well as the subsequent analysis of traveled paths and related data. Thanks to its advanced data management methodology, the system provides a solution to the complex problem of allowing the company’s clients to receive real-time notifications about the phases of the production of specific products and up-to-date information about orders, thus making processes more predictable.

Planned project completion date: 30.11.2021
Project identification number: VEKOP-1.2.6-20-2020-00220


Beneficiary name: Meleghegyi és társa Gépgyártó, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.
Project Title: Production capacity expansion at Meleghegyi Kft. in Szeged
Contracted support amount: 97 549 830 HUF
Support rate: 50%

Project content description: The primary goal of the development was to expand the company’s production capacity and improve manufacturing quality. As part of the project, we acquired equipment that significantly contributed to the development of our business. These included: Heli CPD18-GD2 type forklift, MicroStep MG 3001.20 Prk + CH500 CNC cutting equipment, Chevalier FSG grinder, SMTCP 400 slitting, flattening, and feed system, Sangiacomo T-130R excenter press, robotic automatic flat sheet processing cell, portable 3D touch probe with laser scanner, and ACTUAL enterprise management system.

Project physical completion: 28.10.2019
Project identification number: GINOP-1.2.1-16-2017-01045

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